We're Co-sponsors of Lifting Limits' Good Practice Award

We're thrilled to announce we're the co-sponsors of Lifting Limits' Good Practice Award.

Lifting Limits support primary schools to better recognise and correct gender bias, which can often go unnoticed. They also help pupils to challenge gender inequalities in the wider world. Plus, their website offers parents and carers a fantastic range of resources and advice on how to create a more gender equal world.

Lifting Limits recently launched their Good Practice Award. This is a scheme to recognise and celebrate the continued great work of the schools they work with on addressing gender stereotyping. The first winner of their award will be announced this summer (2022), and we're delighted to be the co-sponsors alongside Corestream. Corestream share our passion for gender equality - with a particular focus on women working in tech.

Sally Dear, founder of Ducky Zebra says "We know gender stereotypes in early years can impact children's decisions later in life, including subject choices, career paths, mental health and behaviour. We also know these stereotypes are engrained in our society, and are easily missed."

Sally continues, "The work Lifting Limits does with educators and primary schools to raise awareness of these biases, and provide the skills and resources to challenge them is fantastic, and we're so happy to be a part of this through our sponsorship of the Good Practice Award.

Kirsty Ruthven from Lifting Limits shares Sally's enthusiasm for the partnership:

"We are delighted to be teaming up with Ducky Zebra for the Lifting Limits’ Good Practice Award. Gender stereotyping in relation to clothes is a really important topic for us. When we visit schools and work with educators and children, we often have conversations around what children feel like they can or can’t wear, what they can do in the clothes they wear and how adults might make particular choices around clothes to buy for children. It is fantastic for us to work with a company that believes that clothes should be clothes and allow children to be who they want to be!"

Kirsty Ruthven from Lifting Limits

You can discover more about Lifting Limits and their resources for families here.

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