Our story
Hi there,
I’m Sal, founder of Ducky Zebra, and still on an absolute high that we’ve launched an actual brand, selling clothes we love and believe in. My background isn’t in fashion. Nor is it in retail. I’m a marketeer, having worked predominantly in the automotive and rail sectors.
So, why Ducky Zebra?
I’m a parent of two and was shocked when my daughter, at the age of 4, mentioned she couldn’t be a taxi driver when she was older because she was a girl. Where had this come from? After that I became much more aware of the books she was reading, the games she was playing and the clothes she was wearing. Magic, fairies, cute pretty images, and shorts that were … well, short!
And at this point I decided, slightly naively, to tackle at least one of these areas: the clothes she wore. I wanted to create clothes for her, and other girls, that inspired confidence and determination to achieve whatever they wanted.

Change of direction
Ever the optimist, I quit my job and began the process. Only to find during my early research, that things were equally bad for boys. Perhaps even worse. Dull, boring colours, aggressive teeth-baring predators, messages of heroism and dominance. There was little reference to kindness. I didn’t want my son to grow up displaying these aggressive characteristics.
And so I changed direction, and began to look at clothes that would benefit girls and boys equally. Soon after, I surveyed over 1,000 parents. Their feedback, support and advice was invaluable. One quote stood out in particular: "I believe happy, cheery clothes make my boys smile more." This is what we all want to achieve. Happy, smiling children.

Happy, cheery clothes created sustainably
And it was this quote, amongst many, many others that resulted in Ducky Zebra. A brand that creates happy, cheery clothes, celebrates kindness and confidence, and puts climbing and adventures above looks and beauty. Shorts that aren't too short. Tops without the itchy frills. And clothes with pockets to store away life's treasures.
Developing Ducky Zebra has been a huge learning curve. I've discovered so much about fabrics, dyes and how to manufacture more sustainably. The more I've learnt, the more I've become determined to create clothes that are kind to the planet and kind to the people that make them. From the get-go we've used GOTS certified organic cotton to reduce our impact, and have slow, sustainable fashion as one of our core, guiding values.

Thank you so much for joining us on our journey. We hope you love our clothes as much as we do.