Toddler Sleep at 12-18 Months: 4 Tips for Better Sleep
At Ducky Zebra, we know that sleep can be a challenge at every stage of your little one’s journey. That’s why we’ve teamed up with Vicki Crawford, a baby sleep consultant from Little Seedling, to bring you expert guidance on sleep from birth to toddlerhood.
In this article, we explore the 12-18 month stage - a time of big developmental leaps, increased independence and shifting sleep needs. From transitioning to one nap to establishing a consistent bedtime routine, we’ll help you navigate this exciting (and sometimes tricky!) phase with confidence. Here’s what Vicki has to say...
12-18 months is a really exciting time for your little one’s development as they start to walk unaided and say simple words like ‘mama’, ‘dada’ and ‘dog’. Here’s everything you need to know about sleep for your toddler during this phase.
How Much Sleep Does a 12-18 Month Old Need?
Toddlers in this age range typically need around 13-15 hours of sleep per day, including nighttime sleep and naps. Most will sleep about 10-12 hours at night and take 1-2 naps. At 12 months of age your toddler is likely to still need two naps but by the end of this stage, most toddlers will have made the transition to just one nap a day. Don’t panic if they haven’t yet transitioned to one nap; a two nap schedule still works for some little ones until they’re older.
The transition to one nap typically happens around 14-15 months of age, however it can happen as early as 12 months for some. Look out for the signs that your toddler is ready to make the transition.
So, what are the signs that your baby is ready to drop to one nap?
- They are fighting their morning nap as they aren’t tired enough
- They aren’t tired enough for their second nap after the morning nap so the second nap pushes too late
- They nap in the morning and fight their afternoon nap so they are overtired going into bedtime
Ideal Sleep Pattern for 12-18 Months
Here’s an example of what a typical sleep schedule might look like (this should not be followed exactly and should be adapted for your little one’s needs):
2-Nap Schedule (based on 2 naps a day with a 3 hour wake window)
- 7:00 AM – Wake up
- 10:00-11:30 AM – Morning nap
- 2:30-4:00 PM – Afternoon nap
- 7:00 PM – Bedtime
1-Nap Schedule (based on 1 nap per day):
- 7:00 AM – Wake up
- 12:30-2:30 PM – Nap
- 7:00 PM – Bedtime
4 Tips for Better Sleep
- Establish a Consistent Routine: Even though they are older it is still important to have an established bedtime routine. This doesn’t need to be anything special; it just needs to be a simple bedtime routine that you are able to stick to every night. This might be; bath, book, lights out, lullaby, cuddle and bed.
- Watch for Sleep Cues: although at this age most toddlers are settled into a more consistent routine of nap length and times it is still important to look out for those sleep cues.
- Create a Sleep-Friendly Environment: Whenever a little one is experiencing challenges with sleep, I would always suggest going back to basics and checking their sleep environment. A dark, cool and quiet space can help your child sleep better. White noise can be helpful for blocking out sounds but it must be played all night.
- Be Flexible but Consistent: Some days will be easier than others particularly when starting to transition to one nap. If sleep disruptions occur, stick to your routine and adjust as needed but try not to add in anything you don’t want to keep.
If your little one consistently struggles with sleep, waking frequently at night or bedtime is a constant battle, don't be afraid to ask for support. You can 100% still sleep train at 18 months using supportive and reassuring methods.
Sleep plays a crucial role in your toddler’s development, and this stage comes with exciting milestones, but also new challenges. This is the best age for growth and discovery, so be the best you can be and ensure your little one gets the sleep they deserve.
Helping Your Toddler Sleep Well: Final Thoughts
The 12-18 month stage is filled with adventure, growth and change - including in the sleep department! Whether your toddler is still on two naps or transitioning to one, consistency and a sleep-friendly environment can make all the difference.
At Ducky Zebra, we understand the importance of a good night’s sleep - for both toddlers and parents! That’s why our organic cotton sleepsuits and pyjamas are designed with comfort and convenience in mind, featuring two-way zips for fuss-free changes during the night.
Looking for more expert sleep advice? This article is part of our baby sleep series, covering everything from newborn sleep habits to toddler sleep transitions. If you need extra support, Vicki Crawford from Little Seedlings is here to help with tailored sleep solutions for your family. Remember, every sleep journey is unique—take it one step at a time!
About the Author: Vicki Crawford is a certified infant sleep consultant passionate about helping families get the restful sleep they all deserve. As a mum of two, she understands the challenges of sleep deprivation and is dedicated to providing gentle, effective solutions for better sleep for everyone.